Album Review – Nightmare Future by Expulsion (Relapse Records)
Old school grindcore band, Expulsion, have released their debut album called Nightmare Future. Nightmare Future was released on the 14th of July via Relapse Records.
Expulsion are Matt Harvey on vocals with Danny Walker on the drums. Menno Verbaten is the bassist and Matt Olivo is the guitarist. They are on old school, extreme/grind core band featuring members of other bands like Repulsion, Exhumed, Phobia and Gruesome.
In Expulsion’s own words – “they aim to leave you horrified with their vile brand of classic, 80’s sickness!”

So after a great many listens to Nightmare Future, I wouldn’t say I was horrified. I was impressed, fired up and ready to hit the pit but not horrified, though I also felt a little short changed. I put the album on for the journey into work which normally takes around 40 minutes. In 40 minutes I listened to the entire album 3 times. Yep, Nightmare Future is short.
Now, I am all for quality over quantity which is good because this is really low on quantity. I think that is a phrase that describes Nightmare Future pretty well though as there is some seriously strong metal here. Nightmare Future is just 14 minutes long in total. They manage to fit a whopping 7 tracks into that 14 minutes too which is impressive. It is a heavy album chock full of powerful riffs, guttural vocals, chunking bass and thunderous drums. Considering it’s length, there is a bit of variation on here too which is good to see.
Nightmare Future starts with Total Human Genocide which begins with a distorted bass line. A throaty growl introduces a straight up 2 minutes of ferocity with aggressive vocals and pounding drums. A short blast of guitar solo leads into a really cool riff while the drums pound away at pace. Altar of Slaughter follows and is 1 minute and 40 seconds long. There is a bit more of rhythmic pace in the verse which leads to another strong riff in, what I think would be, the chorus. A great instrumental section with a high guitar line and low bass over steady drums leads into a furiously fast ending, designed to break necks.

It is amazing how much Expulsion are fitting into a couple minutes. Mask of Fear is just 1 minute and 17 seconds long and starts with slightly cleaner vocals (barely) over a loose drum beat and bass line before a guitar squeal brings in the riff and ups the pace of the drums and vocals. There is even time for a short, but brilliant, solo that leads back in for a final chorus. Title track Nightmare Future is the longest on the album at just under 3 minutes and again has a great riff and loads of neat guitar lines to compliment the booming bass and drums. The vocals are heavy and there are a load of growls and roars thrown in alongside a longer squealing guitar solo.
Funeral Bells has so much groove in the intro and the verses, you get lost in the track and the head banging rhythm for the 2 minutes it is on. Compulsions is another 90 second blast of fury with a drum rhythm in the verses that threatens to break through your skull. Album closer, Comatose, is similar with a pounding beat and chugging base. When the solo comes in near the end it is almost a relief to hear the cleaner tone and be dragged out of the sludge for a second. They are all strong songs but the last couple lose the creativity a bit and blend into each other a little.
Before you know it, it is over. A great little blast of furiously heavy metal that just ends too quick. How much the band have packed into each track, considering the length is impressive. It is kind of like metal on speed. A full length, 4 to 5 minute track, compressed into 2 minutes by just playing it all really quickly. It is fun and frantic but I do want to press that this isn’t just banging instruments for 2 minutes, There are some great riffs and rhythms here too. I felt the last couple tracks blended into each other a little but otherwise each track stood out. It is a great, fun listen though Expulsion are going to need another 8 or 10 albums out before they can consider doing a headline set.
Pick up a copy for yourself from Relapse Records or from the links below the article. Find out more on Expulsion from their website, Facebook, Instagram and Soundcloud. Make sure you give them a Like or Follow while you are there.
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Nightmare Future by Expulsion (Relapse Records)
The Final Score - 7/10