Album Review: Mulberry Sky – Who’s There? (Self Released)

Finally, it’s here. Blues-soaked rock band Mulberry Sky will release their debut album ‘Who’s There?’ on July 29th, 2022.

It’s been a fun, rocking and infectiously driven journey to this album as the three singles Mulberry Sky have released in the build have proven to be classy affairs. We’ve had the radio-rock gravitas of Imperfections, with its anthemic chorus. We’ve had Second Face, a groovy riff monster and we’ve had Asking for A Friend, the epitome of rocking good fun with some really strong lyrical content.

Each track has helped build anticipation for this release and things are at a feverish level right now. Can the rest of the album live up to the heady expectations that has come from the singles?

Of course, it can, in fact, there are a few songs that surpass them.

Kicking off with A Light in the Distance, the longest track on the album and one that features a ton of moody and atmospheric vibes. The slower tempo showcases a touch of melodrama, but the powerful vocals help ground things.

The aforementioned Second Face comes next, followed then by the body-moving groove of The Fuckening and the punk-rock fire of Hot Hot Thunder. Mulberry Sky more than living up to the expectations that fans will have with these first few tracks.

The rocking good fun mentioned before rises with the aforementioned Asking for A Friend and Imperfections. Except, here we get Imperfections Prelude jammed in between them. A ninety-second guitar jam that moves at a slow and sexy pace.

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It’s all fresh music from this point onwards and Mulberry Sky continue to show just how damn strong their musical chops are with the moving and shaking, Don’t Kill Me. Followed then by the ballsy energy of Jailbreak Story where the vocals are on another level and the meaningful melodies of Jumped. A brilliant showcase of how much variety Mulberry Sky has in their arsenal.

Variety that continues into the excellent You Killed the Rattlesnake, where the riffs seep into the soul and moving to them is near impossible. Have You Ever then delivers power and poise not quite heard elsewhere on the album. Before this impressive album wraps up with the playful, poppy and infectious Waves. That is, unless you pick up the CD version of the album. Do that, and there’s an extra track to enjoy.

More Mulberry Sky? What’s there to complain about? Especially when it’s something so pretty and emotive sounding. There’s nothing quite like this on the rest of the album so it feels extra special.

What a wonderful debut album ‘Who’s There?’ is.

Mulberry Sky – Who’s There? Full Track Listing:

1. A Light in the Distance
2. Second Face
3. The Fuckening
4. Hot Hot Thunder
5. Asking for A Friend
6. Imperfections Prelude
7. Imperfections
8. Don’t Kill Me
9. Jailbreak Story
10. Jumped
11. You Killed the Rattlesnake
12. Have You Ever
13. Waves
14. Stones (CD Bonus Track)


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Mulberry Sky – Who’s There? (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
5.65/10 (2 votes)