Album Review: Crushed By Waves – More To Life (Self Released)

Manchester rising rock quartet Crushed By Waves will release their much-anticipated debut album ‘More To Life’ on March 22nd, 2024.

It’s rare you hear a band sound so ‘arena’ ready on their debut album, but that’s Crushed By Waves for you. A band that completely understands what it means to be anthemic, what it means to modernise the rock sound, and how to blend genres effectively. They are an extremely talented band, and this is an extremely strong showcase of those talents.

Starting with plenty energy and plenty of melody with the body shaking Nothing Left. If you don’t find your appendages moving to this chorus, clean your ears out. Especially as you’re going to want to hear Dangerous clearly as it’s one of the album’s best tracks. Simply because of its huge chorus and banging breakdown.

Although there is nothing wrong with the mellow and poppier sound of You Know. The band’s alternative rock twists being more prominent here than anywhere else. Yet, it still has such an infectious quality about it.

Sold? You should be, but Crushed By Waves have packed this album with quality track after track. The epitome of all killer, no filler, and that is further exemplified by the charming vibes of Optimistic and the powerful persuasiveness of Won’t Get Out Alive. Crushed By Waves expertly catering to a wide array of potential listeners, drenching the music with emotion and delivering banger after banger.

It flies by too, the album that is. The latter half dropping a synthy rock anthem in the form of the title track, one of their more elaborate efforts in the form of Faces, and something a bit heavier with the experimental Lies. The latter is another absolute beast of an anthem, and even when the melody hits, it still feels poised to strike hard.

Finally, to cap off a hell of a release, it’s Close to the Edge and Too Much Too Fast. The former is oozing in dramatic vibes, that poppy-sheen is back with aplomb. Whereas the latter keeps the vitality alive right to the very last moment. Crushed by Waves ensuring the album ends with the same thoughts that were present at the start, which relate simply to how big this band is going to be. They’re arena ready now, and there’s no doubt this album is going to have so much widespread appeal.

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Crushed By Waves – More to Life Track Listing:

1. Nothing Left
2. Dangerous
3. You Know
4. Optimistic
5. Won’t Get Out Alive
6. More To Life
7. Faces
8. Lies
9. Close To The Edge
10. Too Much Too Fast


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Crushed By Waves - More To Life (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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