Album Review: Crocodile Gabri – Le Mie Cose Stranissime (Seminal Pastures)

Post punk/alternative rock band, Crocodile Gabri released their new album ‘Le Mie Cose Stranissime’ earlier this year via Seminal Pastures.



Crocodile Gabri certainly know how to create a unique listening experience. The upbeat melodies alongside technical off-beat riffing and puzzling time-changes makes for an unsteady experience but one that draws you in. Ammiraglio is a medley of confusion akin to a garage jam session but with a much tighter production that makes it more appealing.

Combo has weird video-game like effects and the introduction of vocals that are incredibly powerful. The two shouldn’t go together yet somehow they work. The oddities of the album continue into Fast Boy, the groove of the guitars being over-powered by the nonsense of laughter and conversation that is down-right off-putting.

Basta Con Questo Copyright really layers on the garage rock feel with the vocals even though the melody is really catchy and a brief infusion of heaviness at the end opens the eyes wide. It’s moments like this that show just how unique and clever Crocodile Gabri are.

How they combine so many differing elements to create such an off-beat album is exceptional. They just need a bit more structure to it all.

Crocodile Gabri 1

Crocodile Gabri – Le Mie Cose Stranissime Full Track Listing:

1. Le Mie Cose
2. Ammiraglio
3. Combo
4. Fast Boy
5. Basta Con Questo Copyright
6. Tabernacol
7. Preoccupandomi Allarmai Madame Cancellier
8. Cambiamo La Società

You can stream and pick up the album over on Bandcamp.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Crocodile Gabri - Le Mie Cose Stranissime (Seminal Pastures)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
User Review
5 (1 vote)