Album Review: Blood of Christ – Unrelenting Declivity Of Anguish (CDN Records)

Set to drop on May 23rd 2018 via CDN Records, Unrelenting Declivity of Anguish is undoubtedly Blood of Christ’s most monstrous and unruly album yet.

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A beast of an album, incredibly heavy with with some really delectable rhythm, Unrelenting Declivity of Anguish is 7 tracks of ferocious noise. The kind that all heavy metal fans can enjoy and rejoice at being a part of.

A killer start with Bane of Pestilence leads into the frantic Echoes From the 7th Dimension, a track that is built heavily on crushing riffs that are akin to violent stab wounds to the skull.

Dragooned by Jupiter seems as though it might be about to let up on the ferocity with some soft guitar strumming at the start before it explodes outwards with pure metal force. A human band shouldn’t be able to be this fast and play this consistent heaviness.

What makes this such a thrilling listen though is that it defies death metal conventions. It’s far from a simple piece of noisy metal, instead showing off a raft of progressive elements too. The further down the rabbit hole you go with them the more they reveal and you won’t want to go back.

This Wonderland is made up of fire, anger and horn-throwing creatures all while Blood of Christ provide the terrifying soundtrack. Obese Legions: Fed to The Ravenous Wolves, Iron River…Conquer the Wilderness and The Cursed keeping the momentum going until we reach the end of the journey with a fascinating finale.

The title track’s synth-background led on by the heaviness is a surprising turn of events but it’s not long before a hefty drum beat takes over. A huge, crushing and exciting close to a thrilling metal album.

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Blood of Christ – Unrelenting Declivity Of Anguish Full Track Listing:

1. Bane of Pestilence
2. Echoes From the 7th Dimension
3. Dragooned by Jupiter
4. Obese Legions: Fed to The Ravenous Wolves
5. Iron River… Conquer the Wilderness
6. The Cursed
7. Unrelenting Declivity of Anguish

You can order the album via CDN Records here and find out more about Blood of Christ by liking their Facebook Page.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Blood of Christ - Unrelenting Declivity Of Anguish (CDN Records)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
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